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about us

donor.com is wholly owned by Donor.com Inc.  

donor.com has a great team who are interested in your organization's success.  Many of our staff have worked for non-profits in the past and understand the unique challenges you face.  We recognize that not everyone is as excited about data, systems and software as we are, but that's ok - this is how we can make a difference in the world - by helping your organization succeed.

Contact us to find out more about how we can help your organization go make a difference.




donor.com may be a new name, but we have a long history in fundraising software...
Find out who uses donor.com and how you can also use it in your organization.
case studies
Examples are a great way to learn. Here are a handful of examples of how different organization's have used donor.com...
Learn more about how our hosted software, support and training resources can put donor.com's tools in your organization's hands.
Explore the processes and disciplines that we live by to ensure maximum uptime, functionality and stability for your critical needs.
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