donor self service
WebWare allows donors who visit your website to have real-time self-service interaction with their accounts. WebWare’s flexible interface allows donors to "login" to a website that interacts directly (and securely) with the central system. Each donor can manage their own account – securely updating their mailing address, contact information, and their communication preferences. All changes are immediate – and previous addresses are automatically logged as part of the data audit trail.
Your supporters can make credit card donations, sponsor a child, view past giving and order history, change their address, select their communication preference settings for mail, email and phone contact, complete a survey, subscribe to an online devotional or email list, request materials, or perform other account interaction that can be configured to meet your unique organizational needs.
Since WebWare interacts with the live DASCO database, each donor’s experience can be tailored, creating a personalized web experience, increased organization loyalty and higher revenue, all without require double-keying of information or data entry labor.