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emergency response

A client reported the effectiveness of donor.com’s e-fundraising bundle of WebGUI content management, WebWare, BankWare and SendWare in support of their Tsunami Relief efforts. Over $1 million was raised in a 10-day period using web-based tools that required only one staff person to manage and maintain. Online giving for Tsunami relief has totaled more that $4 million.

The ability for web-based tools to manage large spikes in inquiries and giving is essential during crisis response situations. With donors being able to interact online in a self-service mode --direct to database-- with no double-keying or data entry staff required, ministries can maximize their fundraising efficiency. And, with web content being easily updated using donor.com’s content management system, ministries can effectively respond to the daily changes taking place in emergency response campaigns.

SendWare pushes out the emergency information. Embedded links in the personalized messages pull donors directly to web pages where they can give, participate or learn more about relief efforts. WebWare then allows donors to perform self-service on their accounts, changing their addresses and communication preferences, checking on orders and giving history, and giving direct-to-database. Online credit card dontations are automatically batched and processed separately during end-of-day procedures allowing an efficient, automated income stream to your bank accounts and into your general ledger accounting systems. No data entry staff is required. Auto-response gift acknowledgements are delivered immediately to donors and the receipting process is automatically initiated. WebGUI content management allows your web content to be easily updated wherever and whenever needed. ReportWare is available to provide web-based drill-down reports on everything you need to know about your emergency campaigns, and to help your development and marketing departments make future strategic campaign decisions.

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